I am happy to inform you that info from our family tree has been published on Black Sea German Research. You may search through all members of our family
They found a program that would allow to convert the dates from Ancestry's to one format – European. They have uploaded our tree to their Black Sea German database. It is listed under Schochenmaier Family by Eugen Schochenmaier. Also, they have privatized our family tree to protect those who are still living.
I am happy to inform you that info from our family tree has been published on Black Sea German Research. You may search through all members of our family
They found a program that would allow to convert the dates from Ancestry's to one format – European. They have uploaded our tree to their Black Sea German database. It is listed under Schochenmaier Family by Eugen Schochenmaier. Also, they have privatized our family tree to protect those who are still living.